How to write a dissertation for MS as a student of Cambridge university

How to write a dissertation for MS as a student of Cambridge university

When writing a dissertation, you will need to consider your academic level and the type of degree you’re pursuing. There are several basic rules for presenting your work, including following the style guide required by your university. It would help if you also kept in mind that tables and figures are necessary for your work and should be centered within the page margins. You should remember that tables and figures may take up more than one page, and you can’t just throw them at the end of the chapter or dissertation.


There are many factors to consider when to write a dissertation, and Cambridge is no different. Cambridge is a research-led university and part of the G5, League of European Research Universities, and International Alliance of Researchers Universities. It is also a hub of businesses, including Silicon Fen and Winter Pool, and is home to several research institutions. Students who choose Cambridge for their MS or PhD programs will be in the best position to gain the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the industry.

The first step in the process is knowing what degree you are seeking. Some universities require dissertations to be defended by a panel of judges, and some may require more than one. At Cambridge, students receive supervision from professors in a one-on-one setting. Others may require a supervised research project. In these cases, supervisors will help students determine the type of research they want to undertake.


One of the best ways to get admission to a prestigious university is to have relevant research experience. However, you must also show a genuine interest in the topic you want to study. I know of two people who were offered PhDs at Cambridge, but they turned them down because they preferred Surrey University, one of the newer universities in the UK. Both went on to complete their doctorates at different universities. The difference is hard-core self-discipline.

The first step in preparing the dissertation is preparing the title page. The title page should give an accurate description of the dissertation. Generally, the title page is regarded as the page I for counting purposes. The copyright page is not numbered and should not be included in the body of the dissertation. After the title page is ready, you can prepare the document’s body.

Writing a dissertation

A student of Cambridge university must follow the formatting and style guidelines of the university’s MS program. It is important to include headings and numbers within the document’s body. Tables should have titles at the top. They should also be centered within the page margins and properly labeled. Figures should be labeled with page numbers on every page and centered on the page.

The dissertation must meet strict formatting requirements, and a slight deviation from these requirements may result in rejection. However, some departments accept dissertations in languages other than English. The average length of a dissertation is 100 to 300 pages, and long dissertations may require chapters and main divisions and subdivisions. A student must embed fonts into the PDF file. The dissertation must also include footnotes, references, and endnotes.

Formatting it

There are many different formatting rules for an MS dissertation. The most important rule is that figures, tables, and appendices must all be placed as close to the first mention as possible in the text. Figures must also have a title page and captions that appear at the bottom of them. They should be centered on the page, vertically and horizontally. The table or figure may also take up more than one page.

Cambridge University has a specific house style page that explains how identifiers and numbers should be used. The Computer Laboratory has an excellent PhD thesis template, and it is possible to start there. The Markus Kuhn PhD thesis template is a good starting point, maintained by the cam-thesis LaTeX class. The cam-thesis type is a collaborative effort to keep the template. You should also consult the International Standard ISO 7144 for dissertation formatting guidelines.

Using in-copyright content

How to start a dissertation for MS at Cambridge University, you must understand the laws regarding copyright. In most cases, you are entitled to use content that is not your own. However, if another party sponsors your dissertation, it might be covered by another license. This article will discuss how to protect your dissertation and avoid legal trouble. In addition, you will learn how to cite your sources, including Wikipedia, properly.

The first step is to check whether the content is protected by copyright. Dissertations often contain in-copyright content and third-party content. In such cases, you should seek permission from the copyright holder. Once you have permission, you should give the author or source credit. The following are examples of appropriate permission letters for dissertations.

Author Bio

Alvin Nicolas is a research-based content writer, who works for Cognizantt, a globally recognized professional SEO service and Research Prospect, a Servizio di redazione di saggi e dissertazioni. Mr Alvin Nicolas holds a PhD degree in journalism. He loves to express his views on a range of issues including education, technology, and more.